Prof. Yang Lee, Professor, Northeastern University
Prof. Lee is an internationally-renowned leader in the data and information quality field. She investigates the role of differentiated quality of information in information systems, work processes, and structural mechanisms in data-rich, service-critical, and extended organizational contexts. Her current research projects explore quality information products, IT-mediated institutional learning, context-reflective problem solving, service innovation, healthcare collaboration, and medical errors. Dr. Lee’s work includes numerous prestigious academic journal publications, and several books on data quality, including: Journey to Data Quality (MIT Press, 2006), Data Quality (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000), and Quality Information and Knowledge (Prentice Hall, 1999). She is currently Deputy Director of MIT’s Information Quality Program. She co-founded several data quality conferences and workshops and was a co- founder of Cambridge Research Group, through which she has put her research into practice, providing consultation and solutions for companies and agencies in the private and public sectors in the US and internationally for over 25 years. She was awarded for her work from many institutions including the US intelligence community. She is the founding and current Co-Editor- in-Chief of ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality.