DONNA BURBANK, Global Strategy, Ltd.

DONNA BURBANK, Managing Director, Global Strategy, Ltd.

Donna Burbank is a recognized industry expert in information management with over 25 years of experience in data management and enterprise architecture. She currently is the Managing Director of Global Data Strategy Ltd, an international data management consulting company, and has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies worldwide in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. As an active contributor to the data management community, she is a long time DAMA International member, Past President and Advisor to the DAMA Rocky Mountain chapter, and was awarded the Excellence in Data Management Award from DAMA International. She speaks regularly at industry conferences, has co-authored several books on data management, and speaks and writes regularly with industry publications and organizations such as Harvard Business Review, DATAVERSITY, EM360 Tech, Information Management & TDAN.

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