Eduard Tudoreanu, Professor, UA Little Rock
On any given day, Dr. Edi Tudoreanu may find himself in the classroom, broadcasting a lecture on the Internet, or showing students how to develop visualization tools in UALR’s Virtual Reality Center.
The assistant professor teaches courses in both information science and systems engineering, and this combination provides a unique experience for students enrolled in his classes. Dr. Tudoreanu works to ensure students can solve problems instead of repeating the correct answers. His approach to teaching has garnered the respect of fellow faculty members and students who hope to get jobs in a rapidly changing field.
Currently, Dr. Tudoreanu leads a class in information quality that includes undergraduate and graduate students on the UALR campus as well as those who are in foreign countries attending classes online. Teaching this diverse group leads to challenges for him, but he works to bring each student an equal chance to learn the same techniques and materials.
“This class is working at the fringe of technology,” Dr. Tudoreanu said. “We’re participating in the discovery of what works and what doesn’t for students. We’re using the most current technology and adapting that technology to the students’ needs.”
Dr. Tudoreanu earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from University Al. I. Cuza and a master’s and doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.