Dr. Joe Perez, Senior Systems Analyst at NC DHHS, Chief Technology Officer at SolonTek Corporation
With advanced degrees in computer and secondary education, along with several IT certifications, Dr. Joe Perez brings almost forty years of experience to bear as an IT/higher ed professional. Having served as Business Intelligence Specialist at NC State University and currently serving as Senior Systems Analyst at the NC Department of Health & Human Services (and Chief Technology Officer at a North Carolina Corporation), Perez stays active in the IT/higher ed communities with more than 15,000 LinkedIn followers. A highly-recommended international keynote speaker, published author, data viz/analytics expert, talk show co-host, and specialist in efficiency/process improvement, he is indeed a much sought-after resource. A recipient of the 2021 Thought Leader of the Year award, Dr. Perez speaks at dozens of conferences every year, extending his reach into more than 20 countries around the globe, impacting thousands.