Kirsten Dalboe, Chief Data Officer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Kirsten Dalboe is the award-winning first Chief Data Officer at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, receiving the “2022 Government CDO of the Year” award from WashingtonExec, named to CDO Magazine’s Global Data Power Women List as well as named to CDO Magazine’s World Leading Enterprise Data Leader List. Ms. Dalboe is a data trailblazer with a passion for establishing effective data governance structures that set agency-wide data guidance, policies, best practices, and priorities to successfully deliver data products and capabilities. Kirsten got her Bachelors of Science in Engineering from Tufts University and her Masters of Science in Technology Management from George Mason University. Before FERC, Kirsten worked at two other large federal agencies building robust data programs and delivering award winning data programs. Kirsten is a native of the DC area, plays the violin in her spare time, and is the mom to triplet boys.